Dale Langella
Candidate for Scottsboro City Council - Place 2
1. What clubs, organizations, or other activities are you already apart of on top of your careers? And how do you plan to juggle those while also working on the city council?
Response: I am a member of the Delta Mu Delta International Business Honor Society, the Business Advisory Council, The American Association of Clinical Pathologists, and the American Medical Technologist none of which will interfere with my ability to operate and participate on the council. I am adept with juggling my family life versus career and being on Scottsboro City Council. Because I am not affiliated with specific roles in these organizations and I dedicate most of my time to my family, this is exactly why I am running for City Council. It makes me the perfect candidate because I do not have distractions that would take away from my duties while serving on Scottsboro City Council.
2. Many boards, authorities and committees that the council appoints members to often go without representation from the council. While the council and mayor do not have authority over these boards, the council should be available as a liaison. Are you willing to be available to meet with these boards as the need arises and how will you support them?
Response: When appointed to Scottsboro City Council, I will do my best to represent and act as a liaison for any issues that arise. I believe this is what members of the city council should be doing and should have been doing all along. During my walks throughout the city, my understanding is that this has not been happening as much as it could. I would embrace meeting with boards, authorities, committees and commissions. I personally see this as a requirement for humbly trusting me with the honor of holding a seat on the city council. Meetings will occur and support will be given, especially when resources are available. I will do everything in my power to ensure that issues are addressed, solutions are discussed and problems are resolved.
3. Do you feel our recycling program is as efficient as it could be? Is there anything you would change? If so, why?
Response: The recycling program is great and it's a good start. I would, however, start with including additional streets to pick up recyclables. Although right now, there are multiple methods of picking up and recycling certain items, which must go in a blue bag when being picked up at the curb. It is my opinion that Scottsboro and the recycling plants can come together to do a one-time pick up and the recycling centers then sort the items they collect. Huntsville has one recycling container where the residence put their recyclables in that bin and it's picked up once a week. Due to the shortcomings of a budget we should consider bridging two companies to reduce the cost to Scottsboro and therefore enable us to spend our resources on critical infrastructure and projects.
4. The city’s annual budget exceeds 20 million dollars. Some are concerned the city may see a reduction in sales and lodging tax revenue due to the COVID-19 health crisis. As a council member, you approve the annual budget. How would you suggest the city prepare for the next budget with the potential loss of income?
Response: As City leaders, it is our responsibility to make hard decisions. We must sit down and come together to determine priorities and focus on essentials being funded. Unfortunately, we must cut anything in the budget calls that is not essential or productive in the operation of the city, in a cost effective manner. We must also strive to maintain stability for our citizens during this process.
5. Where do you see Scottsboro in 10 years? What is your vision?
Response: My first vision involves stabilizing the city’s economy with a 5 year projection plan enactment. I would love to see citizens earning better paychecks and the city benefiting financially from the addition of industrial development. My next vision includes a prospering town with healthy businesses and economic growth. I would love to see the addition of family friendly venues for our citizens to enjoy. We have the ability to promote our resources and create a warm, clean and inviting town for all to enjoy. In 10 years, I would love to see a progressive, innovative, flourishing town that is full of opportunity which encompasses traditional values, great roads, stable jobs, a better school system, growing businesses, city programs, recreational activities, community involvement and a safer city.
6. As a council member, you often hear complaints from citizens, even when those complaints do not involve the responsibility of the city. Most recently, the state redesigned the ramp at the intersection of Broad Street and Hwy. 72. There are concerns by residents that this change was poorly thought and is a safety concern. How would you address the citizens’ complaints with this specific situation?
Response: I would be empathetic to the concerns of our citizens and validate that we are listening and we hear what they say. People often reach out for help and/or advice when they feel disturbed about an issue. They want to know that they have been heard about the situation. It is our primary job to listen. In fact, I think this is the council’s main priority when holding a seat in office. We need to listen and really comprehend the perspectives and views of the citizens of the town. It is our responsibility as a city official to hear their voices and address their concerns with honesty. I think the city could make recommendations and should begin monitoring the area for increases in motor vehicle accidents. A comparison report should be maintained in regards to its reconfiguration.
7. Some citizens have trouble obtaining a vehicle or maintaining a valid license. If elected, would you consider implementing better access to public transportation?
Response: Maintaining a valid license is the individual's responsibility. Public transportation is a consideration however Uber is now widely accessible. A citizen of the town actually discussed this issue with me while on my walks through town. They asked if the city could consider having a taxi service. I believe it would be a great addition and help the mobility of many of our citizens, especially the elderly. Since Uber runs on multiple schedules and usually at the availability of whoever is using it, I think it would be a beneficial addition to the town. So yes, I would consider better access for public transportation.
8. When it comes to being a council member, your ability to recruit industry and jobs is limited, however, a council member’s voice and involvement may be pivotal in assisting the mayor and other organizations at recruiting needed jobs and other commercial establishments. How would you support and assist these goals?
Response: As a council member I would support my ideas with informational facts. Then I would discuss how it can benefit our infrastructure and illustrate what more revenue would mean to the town.
9. If elected, what would you do to support the live broadcast of council meetings via live stream or social media platforms, such as Facebook, in support of transparency and government awareness for citizens who cannot attend meetings?
Response: Live streaming reaming on Facebook would be great but we could also post that live stream to the city website, so that all citizens would have access to it instead of just live streaming it to Facebook and leaving it on a social media platform. They often have the tendency to get lost in the shuffle of social media, so if we believe in transparency, we could also post to our own web page so that everybody has full access.
10. Main Street Scottsboro, the Commercial Development Authority and Downtown Redevelopment Authority have started making progress in the revitalization of the downtown area. The city has contributed, as well as local businesses and organizations, in this success. Would you be supportive of these projects and how?
Response: Face lifting downtown with some revitalization is great. I would be in support of it, as long as it is not a waste of taxpayer dollars or a waste of money contributed by local citizens and businesses.
Patrick Stewart
Candidate for Scottsboro City Council - Place 2
1. What clubs, organizations, or other activities are you already apart of on top of your careers? And how do you plan to juggle those while also working on the city council?
Response: I am on the Mountain Lakes Chamber of Commerce Board. We meet once a month and I roll off the end of December. I have successfully been able to balance my council responsibilities with my involvement in civic and other community activities during my last eight years serving Scottsboro.
2. Many boards, authorities and committees that the council appoints members to often go without representation from the council. While the council and mayor do not have authority over these boards, the council should be available as a liaison. Are you willing to be available to meet with these boards as the need arises and how will you support them?
Response: There are several boards that have ex-officio representatives from the council and the mayor. I have been to board meetings in the past and feel as though it is vital for the communication between the two entities. I feel as though it is important that we support them.
3. Do you feel our recycling program is as efficient as it could be? Is there anything you would change? If so, why?
Response: I feel as though the implementation of the new recycling program will be good for Scottsboro and the citizens have spoken that they wanted a better system. This is a new program and we will learn from mistakes we make. We were awarded a grant in the amount of $146,00 because of the investment that the council has made in the recycling program. The efficiency will be monitored and will be addressed as needed.
4. The city’s annual budget exceeds 20 million dollars. Some are concerned the city may see a reduction in sales and lodging tax revenue due to the COVID-19 health crisis. As a council member, you approve the annual budget. How would you suggest the city prepare for the next budget with the potential loss of income?
Response: We look at the monthly tax revenue report that our financial director gives us monthly. We have been planning for the tax revenue loss for several months due to the COVID-19 but it hasn’t happened as of yet. We have been hesitant on spending money that isn’t critical for the day to day operations for the city. We will continue to monitor the situation as we move into our scheduled budget meetings and plan accordingly. The lodging tax has taken a hit and is down due to the cancelation of local events and people not traveling. I was happy that we were able to approve the funding for the BASS Masters Elite Series tournament that will have a positive impact on our economy and will directly impact the lodging tax.
5. Where do you see Scottsboro in 10 years? What is your vision?
Response: My vision is for our downtown to be thriving with new businesses and a couple of restaurants from the help of the DRA, CDA and Main Street. I would like to see a new service road along the south side of Hwy 72 connecting County Park road and Hwy 35. Industry is a key and pivotal part for the success of my vision and we need to be aggressive in our efforts. Goose Pond needs a comprehensive plan to maximize its potential as a destination for tourism and also for development for residential areas.
6. As a council member, you often hear complaints from citizens, even when those complaints do not involve the responsibility of the city. Most recently, the state redesigned the ramp at the intersection of Broad Street and Hwy. 72. There are concerns by residents that this change was poorly thought and is a safety concern. How would you address the citizens’ complaints with this specific situation?
Response: I had meeting with (3) ALDOT employees and several members from our community that would be able to give insight from a “safety” perspective. The meeting went well and there was good collaboration between ALDOT representatives and the individuals that I had invited. The feedback I have received from the meeting has been positive and I feel confident that it will be addressed in a timely manner for the safety of our community and those traveling through our area.
7. Some citizens have trouble obtaining a vehicle or maintaining a valid license. If elected, would you consider implementing better access to public transportation?
Response: We actually have public transportation. We budget $46,000 a year to go towards the driver and benefits. This is through the county. I feel as though it could be looked at in the future if needed.
8. When it comes to being a council member, your ability to recruit industry and jobs is limited, however, a council member’s voice and involvement may be pivotal in assisting the mayor and other organizations at recruiting needed jobs and other commercial establishments. How would you support and assist these goals?
Response: We can help with tax abatements or other incentives that may be required to get industry located here. I have been in several meetings when we have had potential businesses relocating to Scottsboro. I have been fortunate enough to be on the council for two Sanoh expansions.
9. If elected, what would you do to support the live broadcast of council meetings via live stream or social media platforms, such as Facebook, in support of transparency and government awareness for citizens who cannot attend meetings?
Response: We need to upgrade our equipment. Our recording device that we have now will only record for 30 minutes. I feel as though all of our meetings should be recorded for the citizens to watch.
10. Main Street Scottsboro, the Commercial Development Authority and Downtown Redevelopment Authority have started making progress in the revitalization of the downtown area. The city has contributed, as well as local businesses and organizations, in this success. Would you be supportive of these projects and how?
Response: Absolutely!! I helped form the DRA and I served on the CDA. I take great pleasure in knowing that they are making a difference and with the continued support from the council. We need to keep investing in them and they will continue investing in the future of our beautiful downtown. I’m proud of the progress they have made in a short amount of time.
Nita Tolliver
Candidate for Scottsboro City Council - Place 2
1. What clubs, organizations, or other activities are you already apart of on top of your careers? And how do you plan to juggle those while also working on the city council?
Response: I am currently a member of Delta Kappa Gamma and I coach for Scottsboro Lady Wildcats. I am a member of the Scottsboro Downtown Redevelopment Authority. This is not a matter of juggling, but a matter of continuation. I have been a runner for all the activities, clubs, organizations, and campaigned effectively. My personality and skills of teamwork, leadership, time management, and listening skills will continue to be a part of my life when I become the city council member for place 2. The only difference will be that I will be an elected official for that position.
2. Many boards, authorities and committees that the council appoints members to often go without representation from the council. While the council and mayor do not have authority over these boards, the council should be available as a liaison. Are you willing to be available to meet with these boards as the need arises and how will you support them?
Response: I am willing to be available to meet with the different boards as the need arises. I will support them by listening to their concerns, providing suggestions to them, and updating the City Council board members and the Mayor at city council meetings. Being able to do this will allow me to be more rounded with a thorough view of what affects the entire city. My desire is to be a vital part of as many committees and boards so that there is a clearer vision and better understanding of the needs of the city.
3. Do you feel our recycling program is as efficient as it could be? Is there anything you would change? If so, why?
Response: I believe that the program is becoming more efficient. I did go and visit and I learned of a lot of things that I previously did not realize was done. As I continue to learn more, I will be more able to provide suggestions of things we could try to help with the efficiency of our recycling program.
4. The city’s annual budget exceeds 20 million dollars. Some are concerned the city may see a reduction in sales and lodging tax revenue due to the COVID-19 health crisis. As a council member, you approve the annual budget. How would you suggest the city prepare for the next budget with the potential loss of income?
Response: I would suggest that the city prepare for the next budget by assessing the current expenditures. Determining which are essential and which are not. We may put a temporary reduction of the expenditures or eliminate them for the current and upcoming years until the city income begins to increase. I would also consider the need for additional methods of income such as invitations for other industry and commerce.
5. Where do you see Scottsboro in 10 years? What is your vision?
Response: I see Scottsboro as a flourishing city in 10 years. As we see cities around us growing and expanding, this is the same vision I have for Scottsboro. My vision for Scottsboro is to have more entertainment venues for all age groups, more job opportunities, and an increased population of healthy, educated, working citizens providing for their children. Currently it is hard for businesses to maintain and thrive in Scottsboro because of the inability to keep employees. This issue needs to be addressed. People do not want to work for mere pennies. WE MUST FIND BUSINESSES WHO ARE WILLING TO PAY PEOPLE WHAT THEY ARE WORTH. We must help businesses find employees who value dedication, integrity, and a sense of purpose.
6. As a council member, you often hear complaints from citizens, even when those complaints do not involve the responsibility of the city. Most recently, the state redesigned the ramp at the intersection of Broad Street and Hwy. 72. There are concerns by residents that this change was poorly thought and is a safety concern. How would you address the citizens’ complaints with this specific situation?
Response: I would ask the citizens to explain specifically what the complaint is and why so. Then I would observe and document the traffic flow and accidents if any for a period. I would also research to find the reasoning behind why the state made the changes. I would provide the information to the citizens. I would be highly and sincerely engaged in any concerns that concern our citizens.
7. Some citizens have trouble obtaining a vehicle or maintaining a valid license. If elected, would you consider implementing better access to public transportation?
Response: I would consider implementing better access to public transportation. There are some citizens who have legitimate trouble with transportation due to their age and health. I do believe that public transportation is beneficial for those individuals. I also know that in other cities the increased use of transportation companies such as Uber and Lift are valuable. This may be something that we could consider as an increase in income and business for the City of Scottsboro. I do believe the continued need for Senior Public Transportation exists. I would assess the current use of our public transportation and poll the citizens to determine a possible increase of the need. I would then act on the transportation issue based on the information gleaned.
8. When it comes to being a council member, your ability to recruit industry and jobs is limited, however, a council member’s voice and involvement may be pivotal in assisting the mayor and other organizations at recruiting needed jobs and other commercial establishments. How would you support and assist these goals?
Response: I would support and assist the goals of recruiting industries and jobs by assisting the mayor and other organizations’ and commercial establishments recruiting efforts. I would be a liaison between community members and the leader of the organizations and commercial establishments. Providing information in the way of word of mouth, flyers, job fairs, etc. is crucial to the employers and potential employees and to the growth of Scottsboro. As a board member, my vision for the city only comes into clearer focus when I do my part and remain in contact with our citizens.
9. If elected, what would you do to support the live broadcast of council meetings via live stream or social media platforms, such as Facebook, in support of transparency and government awareness for citizens who cannot attend meetings?
Response: I would support the live broadcast of council meetings via live stream or social media platforms by providing links to the vast array of platforms through my own social media. I would also encourage business to provide access to the links and barcodes on their bulletin boards and employee workstation as well as in the newspapers and at the checkouts at various businesses.
10. Main Street Scottsboro, the Commercial Development Authority and Downtown Redevelopment Authority have started making progress in the revitalization of the downtown area. The city has contributed, as well as local businesses and organizations, in this success. Would you be supportive of these projects and how?
Response: As a current member of the DRA, I would continue my efforts with this and other groups. I would participate in continuation of writing grants, providing suggestions, being a supportive team player and personal labor for the revitalization of the City of Scottsboro.