My name is Lee Benson, and I am seeking re-election for the Scottsboro Board of Education. I am married to Shalyn Benson, and we have 5 children: Jake-18, Holder-17, Ada-13, Lane-11, and Mae-3. I have been employed by the Scottsboro Police Department and have proudly served our community for almost 21 years.
During my tenure as a member of the Scottsboro Board of Education, I have served as Board President for four years and have been instrumental in securing multiple safety measures, the addition to Caldwell, turfing the baseball and softball fields, and ensuring appropriate funding allocations for the overall improvement of Scottsboro City Schools. I have always been committed to making decisions that aim to enhance the academic outcomes for all students, and I am dedicated to supporting the needs of the “whole-child” which includes social, emotional, academic, and extracurricular opportunities.
I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished over the past six years, however, there are still many goals to accomplish. I remain focused on continued collaboration and open dialog with first responders regarding student safety, expanding STEM programs, collaboration with local businesses and colleges for CTE opportunities, increasing mental health resources, and enhancing teacher training.
I bring a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of effective leadership to the role. I am a very passionate advocate for student safety, teacher retention, high quality curriculum, and advancing extracurricular opportunities for our students. Education is the foundation of our community's future, and I am committed to working wholeheartedly so that continued progress can be made. Through collaborative and consistent communication with parents, teachers, and community members, my efforts will be to ensure that our schools are places that every child can feel safe, loved, and have the opportunity to thrive.