Jim McCamy is a lifelong resident of Scottsboro. and was elected Mayor of Scottsboro
August 25, 2020.
Jim retired from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in December 2019 as the Manager
of TVA Crisis and Emergency Management where he was responsible for the
implementation of crisis and emergency preparedness plans and training for TVA nonnuclear
Prior to his work at TVA, Jim served as U.S. Representative Bud Cramer’s Congressional
District Director for six years. As the District Director, he managed Congressional District
Staff and multiple district offices across North Alabama. Jim was the local Congressional
liaison to the many government agencies and Commands on Redstone Arsenal, the
National Weather Service and other federal agencies and officials, as well as local and
state government officials. Jim was also the liaison working with North Alabama
Economic Development and business development organizations recruiting jobs to the
Before working with Congressman Bud Cramer, Jim served the State of Alabama as an
Area Coordinator for the State of Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA). At
AEMA Jim was responsible for coordination and disaster response support for all counties
in the northern third of Alabama, as well as Alabama Earthquake Program Manager, and
Public Information Officer for the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
Jim also served Jackson County as Director of the Jackson County EMA and was responsible for all-hazard planning and disaster response for Jackson County. Jim was the liaison to the National Weather Service in siting and establishing the NWS Hytop Doppler Radar, and testified before a Congressional Committee Hearing concerning the National Weather Service Modernization Plan and its impact on North Alabama.
Jim is a graduate of Athens State University with a B.S. in Public Safety Administration.
Jim and his wife Laura have a combined 5 children and 12 grandchildren.